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Man thrown from vehicle after driver going 100 mph hits him


Late last month a San Diego, California, man was the victim of a serious car accident when his SUV was rear-ended by a Honda Civic going as fast as 115 miles per hour. The accident occurred south of University on southbound 805 just after midnight. The victim was thrown from his car and was found by police lying on the side of the roadway. The man was treated by paramedics and taken to a local hospital for further medical attention. Both cars were completely destroyed.

As part of the accident investigation, police interviewed witnesses who said the driver was driving erratically and was excessively over the speed limit when he rear-ended the SUV driver, who then spun out of control, which threw the driver out of the vehicle. Police also found the driver of the Honda Civic stumbling around at the scene of the accident, and administered a curbside sobriety test. The Civic driver failed all tests and was arrested for suspicion of DUI.

It is always frightening when someone on the road acts with such blatant disregard for the law and the safety of others by drinking and driving, especially when compounded by the fact that this impaired person was driving over the speed limit. There was probably little the victim could have done to get out of the way of this drunk driver, and it seems unfair that he was thrown from his vehicle and sustained injuries while the drunk driver who caused the wreck was relatively uninjured.

Fortunately the drunk driver was arrested and should face consequences, but unfortunately there are always impaired drivers out on our roads. San Diego motorists should always exercise extreme caution, especially during late hours when there may be more dangerous drivers on the road.

Source: “Driver allegedly traveling over 100 MPH prior to impact,” May 31, 2012