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Nursing Home Abuse



car accident thumb 3Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers In Temecula and Riverside

As the elderly population continues to grow in California, so do the risks that your loved one could become a victim of abuse at a nursing home or other senior care facility. Nursing home abuse victims are often weak, physically or mentally disabled, or both, which leaves them at the mercy of people they depend on the most — caregivers.

For most families, it is not an easy decision to place a loved one in a nursing home, but it is often a necessary one so that person gets the constant care that he or she needs. If a nursing home is failing to provide a high standard of care and is endangering your loved one’s life, however, you need to act quickly to take legal action.

At Ellis Helm, APC, in Temecula, our aggressive personal injury attorneys have successfully represented countless victims of elder abuse and their families. Contact us at (951) 289-0628 to speak with an assisted living abuse attorney about how we can fight on your behalf and get your loved one the care he or she deserves.

We Will Give Your Loved One A Voice

One of the most important things to remember about nursing home neglect is that the people suffering from it are already more vulnerable to disease and injury than most other adults. Failure to monitor fluid intake, administer the right medication and feed patients on time can lead to serious health problems or even death.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know when your loved one is the victim of abuse or neglect. There are signs that you should look out for:

  • Bed sores
  • Development or worsening of pressure sores
  • Excessive weight loss
  • Unusual or recurring scratches, bruises, skin tears or welts
  • Signs of excessive drugging or medication errors
  • Foul smelling, uncombed or matted hair
  • Injuries that are incompatible with explanations

If your loved one is suffering, or was the victim of a wrongful death at a nursing home or assisted living facility, do not hesitate to call our firm for immediate assistance.

Call The Ellis Helm, APC. You Do Not Have To Fight Neglect Alone.

Nursing home abuse and neglect is something that no one should have to live through, but far too many people do because they do not know how to speak up for themselves.

Contact our nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys as soon as possible if you believe your loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect or abuse. Call us at (951) 289-0628 to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer who will work hard for you and your family.

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