Get Legal Help from an Experienced Distracted Driving Accident Attorney
At Ellis Helm, APC, in Temecula, California, we understand the toll that a distracted driver can take on your life. If you or a family member has been injured by someone who was talking or texting on a cellphone while driving, our attorneys will take immediate steps to hold the distracted driver and his or her insurance company accountable.
Free case evaluation: Call us at 951-289-0628 to discuss your case with a Temecula distracted driving accident lawyer. We will answer your questions about medical bills, lost wages, insurance and other issues at no cost and with no obligation.
California Distracted Driving Laws
Distracted drivers have become a leading cause of accidents in Southern California. As a result, our state has passed laws banning most types of cellphone use while driving:
- Drivers cannot use hand-held cellphones
- Drivers cannot read or send text messages
- Bus drivers and novice drivers cannot use any cellphones (hand-held or hands-free)
Our car accident lawyers can review cellphone records to determine if the other driver was using a cellphone in the moments before the accident. Even if the other driver was legally using a hands-free device, it can still be a factor in determining liability. Whenever drivers divide their attention between the road and an electronic device, they are putting other people at risk.
In addition to pedestrians and people in other vehicles, our attorneys represent passengers of distracted drivers who are injured. Our lawyers will aggressively pursue your case and seek maximum compensation for you.
Call Our Attorneys To Pursue The Compensation You Deserve
For a free, no-obligation consultation with a distracted driving accident attorney at our firm, call 951-289-0628 or complete our simple contact form. We charge no fees unless and until we recover compensation for you.
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