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Drunk Driving Accidents



Top Drunk Driving Crash Attorney near You

Accidents involving drunk drivers often involve head-on collisions and high-speed collisions, resulting in devastating injuries. In many cases, there is little or nothing the people in the other car could have done to avoid the accident.At the Ellis Helm, APC, in Temecula, California, we represent victims of drunk drivers. While the criminal justice system addresses sanctions such as jail time and driver’s license revocation for the drunk driver, our lawyers use the civil justice system to compensate the victims.

Free case evaluation: Call us at 951-289-0628 to discuss your case with a Temecula drunk driving accident lawyer. We will answer your questions about medical bills, lost wages, insurance and other issues at no cost and with no obligation.

Injured By A Drunk Driver In Murrieta, Corona Or Fallbrook, California?

There are few actions more irresponsible than to get behind the wheel of a car when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is the reason we have a civil justice system: to hold drunk drivers and their insurance companies accountable.

In addition to representing injured people, our lawyers represent families in cases of vehicular manslaughter caused by drunk drivers. If you have lost a family member in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you are entitled to seek damages for the loss of that person in your life, including lost financial support, lost services and loss of companionship.

If the drunk driver was uninsured or did not carry enough insurance to cover your damages, we can seek compensation from your uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage.

Contact Our Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, contact our Temecula law office online or call 951-289-0628. We offer home and hospital room visits upon request.

Se habla español.