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Truck Accident FAQ



Answers To Some Frequently Asked Questions About Trucking Accidents

Truck accidents are among the most serious types of motor vehicle accidents. They can cause catastrophic injuries or tragic loss of life. If such an accident has turned your life upside-down, you deserve trusted legal guidance. Contact Ellis Helm, APC in Southern California for legal help.

Our lawyers have obtained millions of dollars in compensation for victims of truck accidents and other serious motor vehicle accidents. We know how to handle these complex claims. Reach out today to discuss your rights during a free consultation.

What are some common causes of truck accidents?

Multiple factors may contribute to a truck accident, and the cause isn’t always obvious. These factors include:

  • Truck driver fatigue, especially if they spent too many hours behind the wheel
  • Distracted driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Speeding or driving too fast for the road conditions
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Lack of proper training or credentials on the part of the truck driver (negligent hiring)
  • Improperly loaded trucks
  • Failure to inspect the truck
  • Mechanical problems with the truck or trailer

The sooner you involve a lawyer, the sooner you can get to the root of what went wrong. Our legal team can start conducting a thorough investigation from the outset to ensure that we uncover all of the possible causes.

What kinds of injuries do truck accidents cause?

Sadly, truck accidents often cause extensive injuries that can be fatal. Some of the most common injuries to drivers or passengers in other vehicles include:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Extensive soft-tissue damage
  • Amputations
  • Internal injuries, including internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Damage to the spinal cord, which can result in paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Serious burns

For those who do survive truck accidents, the extreme injuries can take a tremendous toll on your finances as well as your quality of life.

Who is liable for my truck accident?

Oftentimes, the truck driver is at fault for the accident. Perhaps they were fatigued or distracted. Perhaps they made a driving error that contributed to the accident.

They are far from the only one who is liable, however. Because they were driving for a living, their employer is also on the hook. Truck drivers or their employers are required to carry commercial insurance, which can be a significant source of compensation.

Depending on the specifics of the accident, other at-fault parties might include the dispatcher, shipping company, mechanic or even the truck or parts manufacturer. Our attorneys understand how to pinpoint liability to make sure we hold the right parties accountable.

How long will it take to get compensation for my truck accident?

Because truck accident claims are often far more complex than a run-of-the-mill car accident, they often take longer to pursue. A detailed investigation is necessary to obtain all the evidence for supporting your claim. Experts in accident reconstruction, forensic economics (to project the financial toll of the accident over your lifetime) or other fields may also be involved. And when the injuries are catastrophic, your medical care may be ongoing months or years after the accident. Given all these complexities, it’s not unusual for truck accident claims to take a year or more to fully resolve through an adequate settlement or litigation. However, the investment of time and effort is worth it, as these cases frequently involve significant damages that can reach five or six figures.

How can I start pursuing a personal injury or wrongful death claim for a truck accident?

Take the first step by contacting our firm for a free consultation. The is no obligation and no risk. You can also call 951-289-0628 to reach a member of our team.

We have offices throughout Southern California – El Centro, Temecula and San Diego – and we offer home and hospital visits when requested.

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