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ESPN anchor Storm returns after scary burn injury


For people in California, it wouldn’t be New Year’s Day without the Rose Bowl, and many sports fans and parade watchers generally tune in to catch some of the pageantry every year. This year’s parade contained an interesting subplot concerning the Rose Bowl broadcast, as ESPN anchor Hannah Storm returned to television after a horrifying burn injury left her with severe burns and potential scars.

Of all personal injuries, burn injuries can be among the most painful and frightening. In Storm’s case, she was simply igniting her gas grill to cook dinner when catastrophe struck. A gas leak caused a wall of flame to ignite and engulf her, leaving her with severe burns to her face and chest.

Fortunately she was able to contain the blaze and get immediate help. She was taken to the hospital immediately, where she underwent 24 hours of treatment. Her recovery, though, was remarkably rapid, and just three weeks later, she was able to return to her usual role in front of the camera after losing much of her eyebrows and hair and experiencing serious skin trauma.

Gas grills are an often overlooked hazard, one that has the potential to cause serious injuries, disfigurement or worse. Grilling with gas can be dangerous even if someone is being cautious, but gas grills and propane tanks can also have design or manufacturing flaws that make this danger even greater.

People who are injured by grill explosions shouldn’t have to suffer through pain, loss of income and exorbitant medical bills without assistance. A personal injury lawsuit against the retailer, manufacturer or another responsible party may be the right choice.

Source: PB Pulse “Storm grateful for daughters’ help after grill accident,” Mary Ellen Filo, Jan. 9, 2013