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Drunk driver who killed two goes on trial


Suffering an injury or caring for someone injured by a negligent driver can be both physically and emotionally life changing. It is not only important to understand how the event occurred, but it is also crucial that the injured party recovers and heals properly.

Residents in San Diego may have heard about the criminal case against a 31-year-old woman whose drunk driving misdeeds cost two innocent victims their lives. A California judge has now ordered the woman to stand trial, as she faces charges of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and driving under the influence resulting in death. If convicted she could spend the next 14 years in prison.

The drunk driving accident occurred last July on Interstate 8, around 3 in the morning. It was reported that a young woman lost control of her vehicle and rolled it over, trapping the young driver in her overturned vehicle along the side of the freeway. Shortly thereafter, a 59-year-old man stopped alongside her vehicle to help, when suddenly the 31-year-old suspected drunk driver plowed into the overturned car, pinning the good Samaritan in the process and killing him as well as the girl in the overturned vehicle.

When investigators arrived at the wreck, they checked the blood-alcohol content of the driver, which was registered as .15, nearly double the legal limit in California. With this evidence, the prosecution hopes to keep this woman from ever getting behind the wheel or otherwise endangering other innocent people on the road.

While the families of the victims and the public would like to see justice served by sending the drunk driver to jail, the families of the victims also deserve compensation for their losses. Whether or not the drunk driver is convicted of a crime for her part in the car accident, the victim’s families could bring a civil wrongful death suit against her in order to get the monetary compensation they deserve.

Seeking compensation for the loss of a loved one can help offset the costs the accident caused. Whether it is medical bills, funeral costs, damages or lost wages, the family members of the deceased should not bare the financial burdens for the negligence of a driver. Those affected should understand their options and seek out guidance if they have any questions or concerns regarding a suit in order to gain compensation.

Source: CBS 8 “Judge orders trial for woman accused in fatal DUI crash,” Steve Price, August 27, 2013