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Nightmare car crash claims man’s family


People in San Diego may have heard about a particular car accident that recently happened in Fresno. Sadly, fatal car accidents are a fact of life in California, and happen on a daily basis, but few of them match the absolute horror of this one, an accident in which a husband and father of four watched helplessly as his entire family was engulfed in a fiery car crash, killing them all.

The family had headed out to celebrate the birthday of one of the children. The mother and four kids hopped in the family’s Ford Expedition, while the husband drove separately so that he could go pick up another person to meet them at the restaurant. As the woman was driving through an intersection, another driver barreled through a stop sign, slamming directly into the right corner of the SUV at close to 60 miles per hour. The head-on collision spun the SUV into the yard of a nearby home, where it immediately burst into flames.

The man was driving a quarter-mile behind his family when he saw the flames erupting from the Expedition, and in a state of shock, tried desperately to free them from the conflagration. Unfortunately, his efforts to rescue them were unsuccessful, and his entire family was engulfed in flames. “He seemed to be so distraught, he was wanting to get his wife and children out of the car and my husband had to intervene because he was in such shock,” said one witness.

It’s impossible to put a price on losing a family member, much less an entire family. All told, the man lost his wife as well as his children, ages 1, 3, 6 and 11. So far, no charges have been filed against the driver who ran the stop sign and caused the car accident, which seems shocking considering the massive and irreparable damage the driver has caused. With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, the father who lost his family should be able to obtain damages for the wrongful death of his beloved wife and children.

Source: CBS 8, “Father sees family die in fiery Calif. Crash,” Feb. 18, 2014
Anchor Text: car accident