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High school student dies in head-on crash on way to school


People in the San Diego area may have heard about a tragic car accident that claimed the life of a 16-year-old high school junior at Steele Canyon High School. The accident occurred during a recent morning as the young student made his way to school along Steele Canyon Road.

The student was just about two miles away from the school when the minivan he was driving started veering, crossing the yellow lines and into the oncoming traffic in the other lane. In an instant, the van crashed into an oncoming truck, causing a deadly head-on collision.

A medical helicopter was dispatched to try to save the young driver, but the damage had already been done. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash.

Investigators are now turning their attention to what caused the crash. Police have said both cars were obeying the speed limit, and alcohol or drugs don’t appear to be a factor, either. . Police have confiscated the deceased teen’s phone, in order to determine if he might have been texting or otherwise using his phone leading up the crash.

Distracted driving is a serious and deadly problem that nobody in California is immune to. Nearly everyone on the road has a cell phone, and diverting attention away from the road for even a second to answer a call, look up driving directions or write a text can create enough time to create a fatal, but otherwise avoidable, accident.

The death of a young high school student is a tragedy, but fortunately the innocent 36-year-old man in the truck the student crashed into wasn’t seriously injured. However, dozens of people in California suffer because of distracted drivers every day. These people should immediately contact an experienced personal injury attorney about the possibility of obtaining compensation for their injuries and other losses.

Source: NBC 7, “Steele Canyon HS Student Dies in Head-on Crash,” R. Stickney and Elena Gomez, March 21, 2014