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Marines dying of car crashes at a shocking rate


People who call San Diego home know that the Marine bases, as well as the soldiers and personnel who work there, have been a longstanding cornerstone of the culture and economy of the city and the surrounding areas. But shockingly, new statistics show that the Marines stationed at these area bases present an unacceptably high risk of injury or death to themselves and others whenever they get behind the wheel on California roads.

A new study has shown that since 2007 more Marines stationed at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms have died while in the United States than in overseas combat. An astounding 28 of these deaths on American soil have been the result of car crashes. In particular, 12 Marines have died on a single stretch of Highway 62.

While these deaths are tragic, evidence suggests they may also be avoidable. More than a third of these car collisions involved alcohol, while high speed was a factor in at least half of all of all car accidents involving Marines. The problem has been well documented, as statistics show that Marines who return from a recent deployment are 60 percent more likely to die in a car crash.

The problem has been successfully addressed at other Marine bases across the U.S., but Marines at Twenty nine Palms are still responsible for an outrageously high number of traffic fatalities.

The epidemic of Marine car accidents is a danger to the country’s service men and women as well as the general public, and must be addressed. Hopefully the problem will be solved soon, but in the meantime, people who suffer serious injury or even death in a car accident may be entitled to compensation, and should immediately consult with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Source: UT San Diego “Report: California Marines dying in car crashes,” Mar. 24, 2014