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Horrific road rage-induced crash captured on tape


People in San Diego may have heard the story of two local drivers whose verbal altercation ended in a terrifying car crash. The story made national headlines and reignited the conversation about the dangers of road rage.

The incident occurred earlier this month on the highway in San Diego when a woman driving a pickup truck pulled up next to another woman driving a smaller sedan. After a few seconds of riding alongside the sedan, the driver of the pickup truck appeared to intentionally swerve directly into the sedan, pushing both vehicles off of the highway at high speeds. The pickup ended up flipped on its side, while the car had serious front-end damage. Both drivers were treated for injuries, including lacerations and back pain.

The whole frightening car accident was caught on tape by another motorist with a dashboard-mounted camera. This tape is now being treated as evidence by the police, who are investigating whether the incident was an intentional act propelled by the pickup driver’s anger at the other motorist. If police find that the pickup driver acted intentionally, she could be facing serious criminal charges up to and including attempted vehicular homicide.

But at the very least, the woman’s recklessness was caught on tape, and regardless of whether she is convicted for these serious crimes, the victim in the sedan has very strong evidence to use in a personal injury lawsuit. The sedan driver suffered back pain, which can be a serious and persistent symptom with debilitating physical consequences. With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, she should be able to file a civil suit for damages and obtain a monetary award for her pain and suffering, medical bills, lost wages and other losses.

Source: ABC News, “Dash Cam Captures Women Drivers in San Diego Road Rage Wreck,” Matthew Foster, May 12, 2014