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Suicidal driver kills innocent man in wrong-way collision


People in the San Diego area may have heard about a scary car accident that occurred earlier this month in Lakeside, when a 29-year-old woman drove her car the wrong direction into oncoming traffic on Route 67. Shockingly, based on evidence and eyewitness reports that indicate the woman intentionally weaved her way through traffic and onto the wrong side of the road, her actions were deemed intentional and her death is being ruled a suicide. Sadly, her death was not the only fatality to come from this car accident, she also killed a 49-year-old man in her violent head-on collision.

Police lamented the young woman’s choices, and the tragic crash that ensued. They described the crash as being extremely vicious, with both cars traveling at high speeds on a highway with a speed limit of 65 miles per hour. The 49-year-old man who was unable to avoid the woman and her kamikaze mission was flown to Scripps Mercy Hospital, but doctors were unable to save him.

The victim was a devoted husband and family man with two children, and his death leaves a tremendous void in their family that will never be replaced. They have set up a memorial fund and are currently raising funds to help pay for his funeral.

Sadly, funeral expenses are only the beginning, as the loss of the family breadwinner will surely weigh heavily on the family. Without his financial contributions, they will likely struggle to make ends meet, especially as they deal with the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one. However, they may want to consider speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney about filing a wrongful death suit against the estate of the suicidal driver who killed this innocent man. They may be able to obtain damages including lost wages and support, as well as the punitive damages in a case like this where the other driver’s actions appeared to be intentional.