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Dump truck accident kills 2, injures 3


People in San Diego may have heard about a tragic accident that killed two innocent teenage drivers and injured three of their friends in the same vehicle. It was just a carefree day at the beach for the teenage friends, but things turned unexpectedly and unavoidably fatal when their vehicle was crushed by a runaway dump truck.

The car accident occurred near the off-ramp of the 15 freeway, when a dump truck tried to exit the freeway onto Highway 138. Without warning, the truck’s brakes failed, and the massive vehicle slammed directly into the PT Cruiser which was carrying the five teens. The truck, made even heavier by a full load of wet cement, was still unable to stop, and pushed the PT Cruiser down an embankment before landing on it, thoroughly crushing the car and its helpless occupants.

Incredibly, three of the teens were still alive despite their serious injuries, and firefighters and rescue crews worked tirelessly for about two hours before they were able to free them from the badly damaged vehicle. Two of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene.

Friends and family of the deceased were left reeling from the tragedy. The loss of two innocent teens with their whole lives ahead of them can’t ever be truly measured, but the families of the two deceased victims should be entitled to compensation for their wrongful deaths.

Victims of fatal car accidents may be able to obtain damages, including amounts for their contributions to the family, including both actual income and the value of the love, support and family enrichment they provided. While the impact of losing a family member can never be repaired, a personal injury suit can help victims and their families get the compensation they deserve while holding those responsible accountable for their mistakes by making them pay.

Source: NBC 4, “Candlelight Vigil Held for Teens in Deadly Crash,” Samia Khan and Jacob Rascon, June 26, 2014