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Negligent driver seriously injures Fiesta Island cyclist


People in San Diego may have heard about a tragic traffic accident that left one cyclist facing life-threatening and life-altering injuries. The accident occurred earlier this month on Fiesta Island, a popular destination for cyclists due to the fact that many streets are one-way, and car traffic is relatively light. Unfortunately, this sense of security was shattered when a wrong-way driver, who is believed to have been under the influence of drugs at the time of the crash, slammed her vehicle into a large group of cyclists, injuring approximately 10 people in the crash.

The cyclist who received the brunt of the force of the collision is a 43-year-old father of two and a devoted husband. Fortunately he made a habit of wearing proper safety gear, which may have been the only thing that saved his life in this bicycle accident. He still faces numerous catastrophic injuries, including losing a kidney, dislocating a shoulder, suffering many broken bones, and even being paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors hope they will be able to perform spinal surgery in the near future, but they believe there is a strong possibility that the victim may never walk again.

The negligent driver was arrested shortly after the accident, and police found drugs concealed on her person. She faces two felonies in relation to the accident, including driving under the influence.

If the victim and his family choose to file a civil suit, they should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. They may be able to collect monetary damages including lost wages, medical expenses, and even the loss of the man’s value to his family as a father and a husband, which may be compromised if he remains paralyzed. Hopefully the victim and his family consider bringing a suit, so that this reckless driver is held fully accountable for the damage she caused.

Source: San Diego 6 “CYCLIST INJURED IN FIESTA ISLAND CRASH MAY NEVER WALK AGAIN,” Natasha Sweatte, Aug. 15, 2014

Source: San Diego 6 “CYCLIST INJURED IN FIESTA ISLAND CRASH MAY NEVER WALK AGAIN,” Natasha Sweatte, Aug. 15, 2014