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Woman suing House of Representatives for dog bite


People in California may have heard about a woman who recently filed a lawsuit against the United States House of Representatives after a dog in the office of California Representative Tom McClintock took a bite out of her hand. The woman was an invited guest in the Representative’s office, who had come to speak about domestic violence issues. Unfortunately during her visit she suffered a violent encounter of her own at the hands of a free-roaming dog in McClintock’s office.

During her visit she apparently dropped a pen to the ground, and when she reached for it, a dog named Who Dey who belonged to one of the Representative’s staffers lunged at her and bit her finger. Earlier this month the woman filed her lawsuit, seeking $200,000 in compensation for her emotional and physical injuries.

The suit alleges the woman suffered severe and permanent bodily injuries, as well as mental and emotional distress. The woman incurred some $26,000 in medical bills to correct nerve damage to her finger, as well as other procedures. The dog did not have a current rabies vaccination, so the woman also had to be treated for potential complications from rabies.

Any time a dangerous animal is allowed to injure people, whether it be in the living room of a friend, a public park, or even the halls of Congress, the owner of the animal may be held liable. Dog bites can cause significant pain, permanent scarring and emotional wounds that come with the trauma of a vicious and violent encounter. In addition to suing the House of Representatives itself, the woman may also choose to file suit against the owner of the pet as well as others who allowed the dog to roam freely and interact with visitors.

Source: Washington Post “Dog bites woman. Woman sues Congress.” Al Kamen and Colby Itkowitz, Jan. 5, 2014