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Pedestrian hit by bus in San Diego


Many people know just how common car accidents are in America, but there isn’t quite as much attention paid to accidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians. The fact is, however, that these types of accidents are also far too common. After all, bicyclists and pedestrians have the right to share the road with motorists. According to a recent report, a pedestrian in San Diego was recently the victim of being hit by a vehicle.

The reports indicate that the victim, a woman who is reportedly in her 20’s, was hit by a bus on March 7 as she attempted to cross the street near an intersection. The woman apparently suffered a major brain injury, which reports described as bleeding in her brain. Fortunately, it appears that the victim will survive, but has no doubt needed medical attention.

Another sad aspect of this accident is that there are no indications as to how the accident occurred. The reports indicate simply that the bus was making a turn at the intersection in question just as the young woman was attempting to cross the street. But, it is possible that a subsequent accident investigation may provide more information regarding whether any party was at fault for the accident, and who could be held liable.

If the fault for this accident is found to lie with the bus driver, the victim could learn more about seeking financial compensation to cover the costs of her medical care. One important detail that the reports point out is that intoxication is not believed to have been part of this accident, which may be important when determining fault.

Source:, “Pedestrian Suffers Brain Bleed After Being Hit by Bus,” Caroline Howe, March 7, 2016