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Identifying the right party to pursue for nursing home abuse


California residents know that putting a relative in a nursing home usually isn’t easy. But, while many people are able to take the time and shoulder the expense of caring for an elderly relative, the fact is that sometimes making arrangements for them to live in a nursing home is unavoidable. Unfortunately, elder abuse has risen to the forefront of societal discourse as more people begin to realize that nursing home abuse and neglect may not be all that uncommon.

When California residents suspect that their elderly relatives may have suffered from abuse or neglect in a nursing home, they will need to know the right party to pursue in a lawsuit. For instance, was the neglect the result of a center-wide failure to address the needs of nursing home residents? Or, was the abuse the result of an isolated incident that occurred despite the best efforts of the nursing home to oversee staff? There are many questions that need to be addressed whenever a lawsuit against a nursing home or nursing home staff members is a legal option.

At our law firm, we do our best to help victims of nursing home abuse or neglect identify the right party to pursue in their claim. In some cases, multiple parties may be identified as potential defendants. We do our best to help our clients understand the best course of legal action against a variety of defendants.

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious issues facing thousands of Americans. The people we entrust with the care of our elderly relatives may be capable of doing more harm than good. When that is the case, they need to be held accountable. For more information, please visit the nursing home abuse and neglect overview section of our law firm’s website.