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San Diego area hit with a rash of alcohol-related car accidents


Many of our readers may have seen the reports about a particularly deadly weekend that occurred in the area recently. Four car accidents occurred, leaving four people dead. Alcohol is suspected to have played a role in three of the car crashes.

The first crash occurred on August 21 around 7 p.m. A total of three vehicles were involved in this crash, which apparently occurred because a 51-year-old man who was driving a pickup truck swerved into oncoming traffic. He hit two vehicles. One of the vehicles, a Mini Cooper, burst into flames and, unfortunately, the driver could not be rescued by emergency personnel. The driver of the pickup truck was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, and he has since been charged with felony vehicular manslaughter.

The second accident occurred a few hours later, at about 1 a.m. on August 22. This accident occurred when a driver in an Acura pulled out in front of a Honda, resulting in a T-bone car collision. The 19-year-old driver of the Acura died after being transported to the hospital from the scene. The reports indicate that alcohol was also suspected of playing a role in this crash. The third accident was an auto-pedestrian collision, resulting in the death of the pedestrian. The reports state that the pedestrian appeared to know the driver, who was apparently intoxicated, and was attempting to stop her from driving. The driver hit the pedestrian, and then fled the scene.

Drunk drivers can cause horrific tragedy on the roads of Southern California. The victims of these drunk driving accidents, or the surviving family members, may be able to pursue financial compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Source:, “4 Killed in Overnight Crashes, Alcohol Suspected in Three Crashes,” Samantha Tatro, Omari Fleming, Brie Stimson and Liberty Zabala, Aug. 21, 2016