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What should I do immediately following a car accident?


The aftermath of a car crash is scary and confusing. The first concern in any accident is to make sure you and your passengers aren’t seriously injured.

An accident is a stressful situation, and taking a moment to try and relax and determine your next steps is difficult. It is also important. The sooner you are able to step back, assess the situation and take the steps to protect your health and finances, the better off you will be.

Following these steps following a car accident is a good starting point:

  • Seek medical attention: If there are signs of any injuries, even minor ones, make sure to call an ambulance.
  • Call the police: Officers will file a report, which is beneficial even in minor accidents.
  • Exchange information: Make sure you exchange contact and insurance information with everyone involved in the accident.
  • Take photos and stay on the scene: Take photos of the damage and stay on the scene until authorities arrive and all the necessary steps are taken.
  • Speak to witnesses and document everything: Talk to everyone you can who may have seen the accident. Document everything you learn and remember about the accident.
  • Contact your insurance company: Inform your insurance company about the accident and obtain a damage estimate.

If you begin by taking these steps, the legal and insurance process will be much easier. An attorney can also help make sure you are taking the right steps.

As the days progress, make sure to document any doctors visits and monitor your physical well-being, as it may take time to notice some injuries. By following the proper steps, you can take some of the stress out of a stressful situation.