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How you can reduce your risk of a serious car accident


In the United States, more than 32,000 people die and 2 million people are injured in car accidents each year. This equals about 90 deaths each day, a higher mortality rate than most other countries.

Many of us pass accidents on the road almost every day, so we understand that accidents can and will happen. While we can’t fully protect ourselves from getting into a crash, there are things we can take to be safer on the road.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are several things drivers and passengers can do to improve safety. In the CDC’s Vital Signs report, they suggest taking the following measures:

  • Wear a seat belt on every trip, no matter how short, and in every seat.
  • Secure children in car seats, booster seats or seat belts, whichever is height and weight appropriate.
  • Do not drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Encourage others to make the same choice.
  • Obey speed limits, posted signs and signals, and other traffic laws.
  • Drive distraction-free – no calling, texting or other cellphone use.
  • Share the road with motorcyclists and bicyclists.
  • Watch for pedestrians, both in and out of the crosswalks.

If you are in an accident, get immediate medical treatment for yourself, your passengers or anyone else who has been injured. You also may want to consider getting legal advice and guidance for your accident claim with the insurance company. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney to help you obtain the best financial recovery possible.