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California Highway Patrol investigates fatal motorcycle accident


Many people take advantage of the warmer California temperatures by using a motorcycle for transportation. Unfortunately, bikers can fall victim to other drivers who may not be sufficiently vigilant. In fact, police in California are investigating a recent motorcycle accident that sent two people to the hospital.

According to reports, the accident happened one morning on a day in late May. Two motorcyclists were reportedly traveling on a California roadway when a car driven by a 90-year-old driver attempted a left turn into their path. Both motorcyclists struck the man’s vehicle as a result.

As a result of the collision, the two men were ejected and thrown into an intersection. One of the men, a 36-year-old, passed away while being transported to the hospital. The second man, who is 41 years old, was transported to the hospital with major trauma to his head. Although it is unclear if criminal charges are expected, preliminary reports indicate that police do not suspect that drugs, alcohol or speed contributed to the crash.

Unfortunately, the aftermath of this motorcycle accident will bring both emotional and financial ramifications for the victims — including the family members of the deceased man. To help with the funeral expenses, medical bills and lost wages that frequently accompany an accident such as this, many victims decide to file a civil lawsuit against the person they believe caused the accident. By doing so, the injured man and family of the deceased may be better equipped to manage the financial consequences of the California accident.

Source:, “One person killed, two injured in Northeast Fresno motorcycle crash“, May 31, 2017