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Wrongful death case could follow suspected California DUI crash


California roads are often filled with safe drivers. These drivers follow traffic signals and speed limits. However, even drivers who are committed to safety are sometimes unable to avoid the actions of others who are willing to put their lives as well as the lives of those they may encounter as risk. Unfortunately, one family may be considering a wrongful death lawsuit following a recent crash that killed one woman and injured several.

The incident that reportedly led to the woman’s death is said to have occurred during the early morning hours of a day in July. According to police, a vehicle sideswiped another vehicle, causing the former to collide with a sports utility vehicle. The SUV struck a tree, and its driver, a woman, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Reports indicate that the first vehicle continued on before catching fire. Its occupants, who were trapped, were rescued by first responders. Three were transported to the hospital with severe injuries. The driver of the second vehicle was not injured. Although it is unclear how fast the first vehicle was traveling or the level of the driver’s impairment at the time of the collision, police believe that speed and alcohol were contributing factors.

While there is a possibility that the driver will be charged as a result of the collision, those who lose loved ones in collisions caused by another person’s recklessness and negligence also have other pathways to justice. For example, many choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit. An attorney with experience with these sorts of cases can help families in California fully understand their options and take appropriate action.

Source: NBC Los Angeles, “Driver Suspected of DUI in Deadly Winnetka Crash“, July 13, 2017