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DUI suspected in California motorcycle accident


Motorcyclists often face unique challenges when traveling on California roadways. Because of their smaller size, it may be more difficult for other motorists to see them in addition to their relative lack of physical protection in comparison to more traditional motor vehicles. In fact, police claim that only luck prevented a recent motorcycle accident from being fatal.

The incident happened at 2:45 a.m. on a day in late February on a California freeway. Police say that a driver was driving on the wrong side of the road, causing a head-on collision with a motorcyclist. The car crashed into a concrete barrier while the motorcycle was essentially wrecked.

The motorcyclist suffered moderate injuries in the crash. Officials claim that the victim is lucky to have survived the collision. While the incident remains under investigation, police suspect that alcohol may have been a factor.

Unfortunately, there is often little motorists — including those on motorcycles and in more traditional motor vehicles — can do to avoid a crash with a wrong-way vehicle. These accidents often leave victims in the hospital, suffering from their injuries and incurring medical expenses. While they are unable to work, their financial situation often becomes even more precarious as a result of lost wages. Fortunately, motorcycle accident victims have options, including filing a personal injury lawsuit; a successfully presented case can result in a financial award.  By taking such action, those recovering from their injuries caused by another’s negligence may be able to better focus on their overall recovery rather than how they will pay their bills.

Source:, “Miracle on the 91: Motorcyclist survives head-on crash with wrong-way driver in Orange County“, Feb. 26, 2018