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Wrongful death: Woman dies in collision on California highway


A car accident can happen at any time of day for a variety of different reasons. A slight miscalculation while navigating a turn or looking down long enough to change the radio station can quickly lead to devastation. For these and other reasons, it is necessary for all drivers to remain vigilant at all times. Unfortunately, a family in California may be considering a wrongful death lawsuit after a woman was killed in a recent crash.

The incident happened at approximately 11:30 p.m. on a day in March. According to reports, a 26-year-old male was driving a sedan on an on-ramp to a California highway. Police say that the man lost control of the vehicle, causing it to go down an embankment before striking the concrete median dividing the highway.

Unfortunately, three other vehicles struck the car shortly afterward. The driver of one of the vehicles, a woman, passed away as a result of the injuries suffered in the collision. While a male in the first vehicle is said to have suffered injuries and was transported to the hospital, no other injuries were reported. It is unclear what caused the male driver to lose control of the vehicle or whether drugs or alcohol are suspected to have played a role in the collision.

A family is now left grieving the unexpected loss of their loved one as a result of the California accident. While they come to terms with their grief, they may also face financial hardship as they plan her funeral and adjust to a loss of wages. To help cope with the financial fallout of their loss, they may choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver believed to be responsible for the crash. If they can prove that their loss was caused by another person’s negligence, the could receive a monetary award, allowing them to focus on their overall recovery rather than their ability to pay their bills.

Source:, “4 car crash on the 168 in East Central Fresno leaves 1 dead and another injured“, March 20, 2018