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Man in apparent wrongful death case returns to California court


When most people in California leave their residences, they likely have little expectation that it will be the last time that they will do so. Unfortunately, the actions of others — including the decision to drive after consuming drugs or alcohol — often puts others at risk. In fact, a fatal accident that happened last year could potentially result in a wrongful death lawsuit.

The incident reportedly happened over a year ago, in Aug. 2017. According to reports, a 25-year-old man was driving on a California freeway at approximately 5:30 a.m. Police say that the man allowed his vehicle to drift from his lane, causing it to crash into the rear of a parked vehicle.

Rescue workers responded to emergency calls about a vehicle that was fully engulfed in flames. Once the flames were extinguished, a 60-year-old man inside the second vehicle was pronounced dead. The younger driver was charged with felony DUI and vehicular manslaughter on the same day. After pleading not guilty in Dec. 2017, he is set to return to court in October.

The unexpected death of a loved one is never easy. However, knowing that such a loss occurred in a preventable accident likely makes it even more difficult for loved ones to accept. In addition to the emotional implications of such a loss, many families also find themselves struggling as a result of funeral expenses and lost wages. To help cope with these burdens, surviving family members often choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the party or parties deemed responsible. An attorney with experience with such cases can help them evaluate their case and take appropriate action.