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Wrongful death: Alcohol factor in fatal California crash


Motorists using California roadways face the risk of being involved in a car accident. However, those who engage in certain behaviors — such as drinking and driving — may be more prone to being involved in an accident. Unfortunately, alcohol is believed to be a factor in a car accident that could potentially result in a wrongful death lawsuit.

The incident happened just after 2 a.m. on a day in early October. According to reports, a 25-year-old man was speeding when his vehicle crashed into a traffic pole. Police say that the force of the collision ripped the vehicle into two pieces.

A passenger  in the vehicle — who was not immediately identified in the aftermath of the crash — was ejected from the vehicle and passed away at the scene of the accident. Police believe that the driver had been drinking prior to the accident. The driver — who suffered only minor injuries — was reportedly sitting on the hood of the vehicle when officers arrived at the scene. He has since been arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence.

Unfortunately, a family is now adjusting to news of the unexpected, preventable death of their loved one. Often, California families who suffer such a loss also suffer financially as a result of lost wages and funeral expenses. When a person’s death is caused by another’s negligence, surviving family members sometimes choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the party or parties deemed responsible. An attorney with experience with such cases can help these victims fully understand their legal options.