It is the responsibility of all drivers to be fully aware of their surroundings at all times, even when stopped at a traffic light. Failure to do so can often lead to a collision that may have serious ramifications for those involved. In fact, the California Highway Patrol reports that a motorcycle accident has left a man seriously injured.
The accident happened on a Saturday evening in late November. According to reports, both the 66-year-old male motorcyclist and a 25-year-old male driving a sports car were stopped at traffic light at an intersection. The motorcyclist was attempting to drive straight through the intersection while the driver of the sports car was in a left turn lane.
When the light changed to green, both drivers reportedly pulled forward. Unfortunately, the driver of the sports car reportedly struck the motorcyclist. The older man suffered severe injuries in the collision, described as life-threatening, while the younger man was shaken but uninjured. Traffic was blocked for several hours as a result of the accident.
Because some people in California and across the country spend so much time in their vehicles, they may become immune to the possibility of being involved in an accident and the potential harm that can result. A driver who is unaware of his or her surroundings could potentially cause serious harm. The victim in this motorcycle accident is likely facing a lengthy recovery and may also experience financial complications due to medical expenses and lost wages. Fortunately, those injured by another’s negligence have the option of pursuing recompense in a civil court; a successfully presented case could result in a financial award that will allow victims to focus on their recovery rather than their ability to meet their financial obligations.