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Bedsores could be a sign of elder neglect


Your loved one’s age or health might prevent them from being able to get out of bed on their own. But when they live in an assisted living facility or nursing home, the staff and volunteers who work there should know how to help your loved one exercise their mobility and ease any soreness or discomfort.

However, if a negligent staff member fails to tend to your loved one and give them the help and care they need, they could suffer from bedsores.

What is a bedsore?

Bedsores — also known as pressure ulcers — are injuries to the skin. They occur when a person has spent long periods of time sitting or lying down without reprieve. The prolonged pressure to the skin causes painful blisters and areas of broken skin.

While older people with a lack of mobility are more likely to get bedsores than able-bodied people, nursing homes and other care facilities should know how to care for and prevent them.

When does a bedsore indicate neglect?

A single case of bedsores in your loved one might not suggest that they are experiencing neglect in their living environment. However, the consistent presence of untreated bedsores or the noticeable recurrence of bedsores might indicate that your loved one is not receiving proper care on a daily basis.

Often, there are other indicators along with bedsores that may suggest your loved one is experiencing neglect. Some other warning signs of neglect include:

  • Strong body odor
  • Matted hair
  • Unwashed appearance
  • Feces or urine scent

These signs and more might be clues that your loved one is not leaving their bed as much as they should be. In unfortunate cases when a bedsore is not noticed and treated right away, the wound can become extremely deep and may even become infected, causing additional health complications and severe pain for your loved one.

Holding responsible parties accountable

It can be frustrating and heartbreaking to know that your loved one has suffered at the hands of a negligent caregiver. At the slightest hint of mistreatment, you should make sure to investigate all possibilities in case elder neglect is at the root of your loved one’s pain. You might even consider exploring your legal options when it comes to abusive nursing home behavior.