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Wrongful death lawsuit accuses fraternity of illegal hazing


For many college students in California and across the country, becoming a member of a fraternity or sorority is an important part of their college experience. While such an organization is often a positive experience, a recently filed wrongful death lawsuit alleged that a California fraternity engaged in illegal hazing. The actions reportedly led to the death of a college student.

The incident at the center of the lawsuit reportedly happened in Sept. 2018 and involved a 20-year-old junior. The lawsuit, filed by the victim’s parents, claims that their son was subjected to psychological and physical torture at the hands of Alpha Phi Alpha, including the deprivation of sleep. For example, they claim that their son was required to eat an onion soaked in hot sauce in one sitting — an event that they say led to his hospitalization.

The event that is said to have caused the college student’s death reportedly involved a hike to Mount Rubidoux. Though the lawsuit does not include the cause of death, reports indicate that the young man died the next day. A representative from the fraternity declined to comment on pending litigation but claims that the organization prohibits hazing. The college banished the fraternity from campus as a result of concerns related to risk management.

Unfortunately, a family is now left grieving the unexpected loss of their son as a result of this California tragedy. Because they feel that his loss was the result of negligence, they have opted to file a wrongful death lawsuit. While a successfully presented lawsuit will likely do little to reduce their grief, it can help ensure that they are able to fulfill their financial obligations, including funeral costs and medical expenses.