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5 Apps for parents of teen drivers


Your teen just got their license and while they yearn for freedom and don’t think you know anything, your teenager still relies on you much more than they would like to admit. You care about the safety of your children and are understandably worried about them driving alone for the first time, 50th time or 500th time.

There may be some downfalls of the technology boom, but for parents of teen drivers, a benefit is an access to apps that allow you to keep tabs on how your teen drives, and if you so chose, where they drive.

All apps have pros and cons. The five driving apps below are among the more popular options.

1. Life360

Life360 allows real-time tracking, as well as location and driving history to improve their driving skills. The app also allows the user to access emergency assistance.

Available for iPhone and Android and is free for all users.

2. TrueMotion Family Safe Driving

If you are looking for an all-encompassing app, TrueMotion is the answer. If you wish, the app can be enabled to track the whereabouts and driving habits of your entire family. With Truemotion, you can set a driving perimeter, speed limit threshold, and an expected home-arrival time. Whoever these guidelines are for, the app sends a push notification to the parent or primary account holder’s phone when they are not met.

Each trip is scored on a 100-point scale and identifies where your teen driver can improve over time.

Available for iPhone and Android and is free for all users.

3. RoadReady

To break the mold a bit, RoadReady is perfect for teen drivers who are still in the permit stage. The app tracks the hours each state requires for supervised driving before a driver’s license can be tested for and issued. RoadReady also tracks weather conditions during each trip and offers a driving curriculum available in print or digital format.

Available for iPhone and Android and is free for all users.

4. At&T DriveMode

Do you want your teen driver not to worry about physically responding to a text or phone call? If so, consider DriveMode. The app silences all messages and sends automated responses to anyone who calls or texts the user. 

Also, DriveMode automatically activates when the driver reaches 15 mph and will send a notification to the parent is the app is turned off or disabled.

Available for Android and is free for all users.

5. AutoBrain

The final app on the list is an excellent tool for any driver. AutoBrain isn’t free like the other apps on this list, but it serves a different purpose: emergency response. Initially, the app offers a free 30-day trial and then charges $9.97 per month. The app provides a wide range of services, including automatically notifying 911 of the driver’s location if an accident occurs, a free lockout service, dead battery charges, fuel delivery, a tire change service, and four 15 mile tows annually.

Paid app available for iPhone and Android users.

Distracted driving leads to many crashes, severe injuries, and fatalities every year that could be avoided by putting down the phone. That said, accidents and injuries do occur, and when that happens, people need help. If you or a loved one sustain an injury in an auto accident and are seeking due compensation, consider the experience of a local personal injury attorney.