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Fatal bicycle crash may lead to wrongful death lawsuit


Many California residents enjoy bicycling, whether for leisure or as their main mode of transportation. While many cyclists travel off-road, on trails and such, some share the roadways with larger vehicles, like cars and trucks. When collisions happen, unfortunately, the cyclists are the ones most likely to suffer injuries or even death. Such was the case when, recently, a cyclist was fatally hit by a vehicle. His family may now choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the person found responsible.

The incident happened very early on a Tuesday morning near an intersection in Huntington Beach. Reportedly, local police found a male bicyclist on the roadway after responding to a call about a collision. Paramedics checked the victim, but he was already dead.

According to police, the driver who, allegedly, hit the cyclist, fled the scene following the collision. Police later found the vehicle and arrested the driver for fleeing the scene of an accident. Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident and are asking anyone with information to come forward.

This victim may have been out on his bike that day to get some exercise and fresh air, or he may have been on his way to or from work or some other engagement. In any case, sadly, in a matter of seconds, he lost his life, possibly due to negligence and/or recklessness on the part of the driver. If the driver is, indeed, believed responsible, which seems likely, the victim’s grieving family may seek to hold him financially accountable within the California civil justice system. Many people facing a terrible, unexpected loss as a result of this kind of situation choose to explore their legal options, including the possibility of a wrongful death lawsuit.