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Fatal pedestrian crash could lead to wrongful death claim


Most Californians walk at some point during their day. While many people consider walking an enjoyable and effective way to exercise, others simply look at it as a cost-effective and easy way to get from one point to another. However, when pedestrians share space with motor vehicles, they put themselves at some risk of injury, so it is important that both drivers and pedestrians follow appropriate safety protocols in this type of environment. Unfortunately, collisions involving cars and pedestrians happen all too often and can be deadly, as in the case of a San Francisco man who was struck and killed recently, a tragedy that could result in a wrongful death lawsuit.

Police were called to the accident scene early on a Tuesday morning. A 50-year-old man, who had apparently been crossing at an intersection on a crosswalk, was struck by a vehicle and died at the scene. Reportedly, the 26-year-old driver of the vehicle that struck him remained at the site to cooperate with investigators. The driver was later taken to a hospital with injuries not considered life-threatening.

According to police, upon his release from the hospital, the driver was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, speeding and entering a crosswalk on a red signal. He has since been booked into jail. A local pedestrian advocacy group is citing the case as another example indicating the need for red light cameras at busy intersections in an attempt to deter aggressive driving and save lives.

Following a tragedy like this, in which a young life is lost, a victim’s surviving family often encounters financial challenges due to unexpected costs such as funeral expenses and lost future income. In California, as in other states, people in this position may choose to exercise their right to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the person deemed responsible. An experienced personal injury attorney can be a valuable resource to help people understand their options and navigate what can be a complex process.