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What Tactics Keep Motorcyclists Safe?


It’s common knowledge that passenger vehicles pose a danger to motorcyclists on the road. Cars are just not as focused on looking out for motorcyclists as they are for other vehicles. The responsibility is then placed on motorcycle riders to make themselves known and seen on the road. These tactics may not come intuitively to new riders but have to be learned and practiced to become effective.

Making space for motorcyclists

The road hazards that may be inconsequential for cars can present extremely dangerous conditions for motorcycle riders. Riders contend with gradient changes, slick and icy conditions, low visibility, sharp turns without contours, sudden stops and multi-lane highways. Here are some defensive driving tactics that could help keep motorcyclists safe:

Make yourself visible: Motorcyclists often have to seek out the least congested portion of a road to be seen.

Choosing safe lanes: For some roads, the right lane might present more of a hazard than the left lane. The right lane is where merging vehicles enter or exit the highway, which can place motorcycles in a blind spot.

Use every tool to be noticed: Motorcycles need to use every tool at their disposable to be seen and heard. Headlights should always be on. A rider may need to use their horn more frequently to alert drivers to their presence.

Don’t lane share: When riding with other motorcyclists, sharing lanes can present hazards to you and the other riders. With an adjacent rider, you may not have the space you need to swerve and avoid obstacles or road variations.

Practicing long-term riding strategies

Motorcyclists must be much more proactive in exercising safe driving practices than passenger vehicle drivers. Plan out routes and practice your driving strategies when the conditions are ideal so you’ll be prepared for a broader range of occurrences. If you were hurt by a vehicle collision, you could be dealing with life-altering injuries. Explore the options necessary for covering medical expenses and damages.