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The aftermath of a loved one’s death by drowning


The death of a loved one caused by reckless acts is a traumatic event for any family. When that loss resulted from drowning, the unimaginable fear and suffering that likely occurred can leave emotional scars on family members. Oftentimes, they seek justice in the form of a wrongful death claim.

Negligence that results in a drowning death can come in a variety of forms. Whether it involved deliberate actions or carelessness, the outcome is the same. A life has been lost, and loved ones are left grieving.

Pools and other waterways

Public pools have been the setting for many drowning deaths. Facilities with pools are responsible for staffing qualified lifeguards to monitor the activity and take action as necessary. Employees are required to attend to every detail and respond to incidents immediately. Falling short in any way can result in severe and potentially fatal consequences.

Large pools must also be well maintained and adhere to state and federal regulations. The slightest oversight can have catastrophic consequences to swimmers. The installation of modern and more effective drain covers can prevent swimmers – primarily small children – from being pulled in by suction coming from a drain that is recirculating the water. Leaving older model covers in a pool can trap a swimmer, resulting in possible drowning death.

Recreational activities

Drownings can also occur on lakes and other waterways. While jet skis, wave runners, and water skiing are popular activities on the open water, accidents can happen. The operator of the boat may be driving recklessly. Alcohol consumption often plays a role in many of these tragic outcomes and can result in serious and fatal collisions.

While considered a crime, surviving loved ones can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit to secure another type of justice. Regardless of how the drowning occurred, these emotionally charged and legally complex cases require a skilled attorney who can get to the facts.