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Advanced driver assistance systems explained


Drivers confused over safety features are being provided an education on the technology, courtesy of safety videos from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Clarity is certainly needed when it comes to understanding advanced driver assistance systems in new vehicles. It can also mean the difference between life and death.

In addition to vehicle owners, those who have the responsibility of designing and building the technology understand how their contributions impact safe driving on roads throughout the United States.

Vital online information for drivers

The program is currently ongoing. Hosted by Jason Fenske, a mechanical engineer and YouTube celebrity who has shared his insights on motor vehicles and how they operate for many years. The videos are posted on his Engineering Explained channel. Topics include:

  • 4 Technologies That Could Prevent Your Next Car Crash
  • Rear Automatic Braking
  • Blind Spot Intervention
  • Lane Keeping Assistance
  • Automatic High Beams
  • A four-part summary video summarizing the previous topics

The program ends on September 29th.

As consumers educate themselves, the NHTSA will continue its monitoring and ongoing evaluation, taking action when necessary to ensure maximum performance of technologies and systems. The objective is to keep drivers safe and avoid accidents.

Concurrently, the NHTSA will monitor and evaluate the performance of technologies and systems to ensure safety and accident avoidance, taking action should safety be at risk.

Motor vehicle innovation continues to advance at what seems to be a breakneck pace. Many consumers find it challenging to keep up. With more knowledge of these technologies comes safer driving that can prevent injuries and save lives.