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Motorcycle accidents and the multitude of possible injuries


Motorcyclists are known for being passionate when it comes to their two-wheeled transports on the open roads. Whether they are traveling to work or riding to relieve stress, their dedication also comes with an understanding of the risks that come with traveling without the protection that comes with enclosures that other motor vehicles enjoy.

Colliding with other cyclists or drivers of cars and trucks can result in various types of injuries.

Legs and arms

These appendages are most likely to suffer injuries. A motorcycle falling on its side can result in severe injuries from shoulders to hands and knees down to the feet. Add bruises and muscle tears to road rash and broken bones, and cyclists often face a long road to recovery. More serious collisions could result in amputation.

Head and neck

With or without helmet laws in the state they reside or travel in, most riders choose to travel with protective headwear. Those who go without run the risk of serious neck injuries – including a potentially life-changing broken neck – and open and closed head trauma.

Muscle and Nerve Damage

The freedom that comes with motorcycle riding has consequences, specifically the near lack of protection against injuries. Physical trauma can take the form of nerve injuries that become permanent and life-changing in far too many cases.

In the moments following a motorcycle crash, immediate medical care is vital for recovery. What may seem like minor injuries can turn into something more permanent, if not deadly. From there, the help of a personal injury attorney with specific experience in this area of the law can help determine the level of negligence that caused the accident and the appropriate legal steps moving forward.